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414 Westhaven

Set to start construction in Spring 2022, this West Waterloo project will feature twin 13-storey residential towers and a two-storey amenity building fronting onto Westhill Drive, Erb Street West, and Westhaven Drive. To the south and east a series of five low-rise, stacked townhouse blocks address Westhaven Street and an internal, multi-use, private drive.

The 426-unit project set out to create a highly livable and interactive neighbourhood. To maximize green space for outdoor living and socializing, resident parking is provided below grade, with only short-term parking for visitors, and convenience at grade. The streetscape is inviting and intended to connect future residents with adjacent neighbourhoods and the open landscaped areas on the project site.

The team set out to put pedestrians first – before automobiles. To do this, an intricate interior street and linked pathway network provides residents with safe places to walk, bike and play. Vehicles share the ‘woonerf’, or ‘living street’, that is designed to calm traffic and equally share road space with bicycles and pedestrians. This internal drive gently curves through the site, with stamped asphalt surfaces that resemble sidewalk pavers, varying in both texture and colour, to intuitively reduce vehicle speeds and enable an interactive space for both transportation and play.

The result is a shared space that doesn’t revolve solely around the car; it is designed for pedestrians first and their need to connect with one another and the landscape.

1.799 ha., Project Site Area 427,800 sq. ft., Total Residential Gross Floor Area
Waterloo, Ontario

“The project team is putting people first in this ambitious project. Typically, developers favour surface parking in place of underground parking solutions to meet tight budgets. In this case, we are fortunate to be working with an owner with a grand vision for his building legacy, one who is willing to commit to good design and look to substantially to improve livability in our community.”

Jason Sweers
Partner-in-Charge, Martin Simmons Sweers Architects

Notable Projects

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